A Carol Place for All Seasons

Spring Time The first wave of azaleas mark the onset of Spring. The azaleas bloom one shade at a time: first, the reds; then, the pinks; and finally, the whites.
Graham Thomas Roses The roses are a daily reminder of Graham.
Lillies of the Valley Lillies of the Valley were Aunt Flo's signature flower. Several years after we had moved to Carol Place, we carried five small plants from her garden in Chicago to ours. Here Kwan Yin stands watch over them.
Meidiland Roses The first, massive blooming of Meidilands usually announces the Memorial Day weekend. We clip the last blooms to decorate the house at Thanksgiving.
Astilbe The astilbe were a gift from, and a constant reminder of, our good friend, the Divine Ms. B.
Spring Time Moonbeam.
Day Lilies Day Lilies.
Spring Time The lions in Spring, standing guard and reminding us of the trip to Florence.
Thanksgiving Table Carol Place tends more to the casual than the formal, but Aliceann does like to set the table for Thanksgiving.
Christmas Decorations For Christmas, she decorates both inside and out. Here are the lions, ready for Christmas and hoping for snow.
Winter And the snow came.
Winter The hillside covered by snow.
Summer Our last view of the hillside with the Leland cypress marking the boundary line and shading the crest.

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