Four-Legged Visitors

Lennon Lennon stops by, in all but the most hostile weather, two or three times a day. Sometimes she can be found snoozing on the sun-warmed walk, near the front door. More often, she will come to the deck and torment Havelah, who wants desparately to play. Or she will gaze patiently through the window, waiting to make eye contact with a two-legged resident, someone who will come out to talk with her and address her by her full name, "Pretty Lennon."
Frankie, Pacey, and Ambe Frankie and Ambe, seen here on either side of Pacey, have been a joy to Amanda's mom, Sarah. Pacey is Lisa and Todd's first baby.
Snowball .
Ukie .
Cujo Cujo, seen here with Aliceann, thoroughly enjoys being a lap dog, but he usually needs some assistance to make it into your lap.
Dixie Dixie, seen here with Ron and Karen, is South Carolina's most enthusiastic fetcher of balls and Frisbees.
Molly Pashmina A recent addition to the family, Molly Pashmina is still working on how she will interact with the two-legged folks around her. She's very loving with those she sees every day. She's not so sure about the rest of us. When first we met her, Molly spent most of her time trying not to be seen.
Molly Pashmina Molly Pashmina is still shy around crowds, but she has figured out that some of us are worth getting to know.
JJ We miss JJ. When he lived in DC, he regularly came by for walks or weekend visits. Nibbles quickly learned that if she approached him and lowered her head, JJ would groom her.
Dave Technically speaking, Dave has never actually visited Carol Place, but we helped him move to DC with Phil and Mary Margaret, we occasionally "cat sat" for him while he lived here, and he has instructed Tony in the proper treatment of cats. So, technicalities notwithstanding, Dave is unquestionably part of the Carol Place family.

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