Overnight Waffles

An unexpected by-product of a Thanksgiving spent with Phil and Mary Margaret was our encounter with a new Mollie Katzen cookbook that Mary Margaret was experimenting with. This recipe intrigued us because of its similarity in technique to our favorite recipe for pancakes. Our first experiment with it was an unqualified success.

Please note that, as with the pancakes, you have to plan ahead, at least the night before, if you want to use this recipe. You could probably get away with a lead time of two to three hours, but the batter wouldn't have had enough time to "sour," which is the really distinctive characteristic of these waffles.

2 c. all-purpose flour 1 T. sugar
1 package active dry yeast 1/2 t. salt
2 c. milk 6 T. butter, melted
1 large egg, lightly beaten  
  1. Night before, mix the flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in a large bowl.

  2. Add the milk and mix just until the batter is smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature overnight.

  3. The next morning, while the waffle iron heats up, add the melted butter and egg to the batter.

  4. Each waffle should require about 2/3 cup of batter.

6-8 waffles   

Source: Mollie Katzen's Sunlight Cafe

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