New York Barbecue Sauce

This recipe comes with one of those "I remember the night" stories attached. The menu for the evening said "BBQ Pork," and we had boneless pork chops in the fridge. When we went searching for the bottle of barbecue sauce, which had to be in the fridge somewhere, and came up dry, we thought, "No problem. Certainly one of the cookbooks has a recipe for barbecue sauce which we can do from ingredients in the pantry." We found this one, were pleased with the results, and would have long since forgotten the incident except that, several days later, we used the leftover sauce with some boned chicken breasts. The results were spectacular.

2 T. butter 6 T. cider vinegar
4 T. water 1 1/2 c. catsup
2 T. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 t. Tabasco sauce
1 t. garlic, minced 3 T. vegetable oil
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 1/4 t. red pepper flakes
1/2 bay leaf 2 T. sugar
1 t. paprika juice of one lemon
  1. Combine all the ingredients, except the lemon, in a saucepan, and heat without boiling.

  2. When the sauce is warm and thoroughly mixed, add the lemon juice.

  3. You can use immediately or seal, refrigerate, and use several days later. With boned chicken breasts, pour a half cup of the sauce into a Ziploc bag, add the chicken pieces, allow them to marinate for a couple of hours, grill over hot charcoal (8-10 minutes per side), basting with additional sauce.

2 1/2 cups   

Source: Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey, The New New York Times Cookbook

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