Salt-Roasted Vegetables

The original recipe contains a discrete list of vegetables: 6 baby zucchini, 6 baby eggplants, 1 pound green beans, and 6 new potatoes. We think of the recipe more as a technique and feel free to add or subtract from this list, depending upon what is available or of interest. The key matters to keep in mind are:

  • it is virtually impossible to oversalt this dish;
  • a coarse salt (sea or Kosher) really does make a difference; and
  • different vegetables will require different times to finish.

6 Italian eggplant 3-6 small zucchini or summer squash
1 lb. green beans 6 new potatoes
1/3 c. olive oil 2 T. coarse salt
  1. Preheat oven to 375o.

  2. Scrub the vegetables. You should snap the beans, but otherwise cleaning is the only preparation required.

  3. Use 1-2 tablespoons of the oil to coat a large baking dish. Put in the slowest cooking vegetables (the potatoes will require an hour), drizzle oil over them ,and sprinkle them with the salt. Put the dish in the oven. As required (squash and beans will take 30 minutes; broccoli, 20), remove the dish from the oven; arrange the additional vegetables; coat them with oil and salt; and resume cooking.

  4. When done, remove the dish from the oven, allow the vegetables to cool to nearly room temperature (roughly 15 minutes), and serve.

6 servings   

Source: The Silver Palate Cookbook

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